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Create Online Examination in one minute

Instant exams, create & serve in 1 minute

Create useful online examination in shortest time and communicate to candidates with integrated email and SMS.

Online Testing in Smart Phones

Create & conduct exams everywhere

Online testing made accessible for all. Works across the devices. Create, conduct and appear exams from anywhere and everywhere.

Online Examination Portal Branding Options

Branding options with endless possibilities

Customize the look as your company branding. Choose from pre-designed themes, feel the exact online examination environment for all major aptitude tests of the world.

Offline Authoring for Online Testing

Offline authoring and specialized data processing available

Easily upload all types of questions and candidate lists from excel or Word file in one click for online testing. Specialised data processing services offered for error free question bank creation called TransQ.

Online testing is more interesting now

Candidates would love to respond to the variety of question types - Images, audios, visuals, and math equations have turned online examination dynamic.

Online Testing Question Types
Online Examination Live Monitoring

Enjoy the live coverage of your exams with Exam Monitor

The ultimate facilitator and addictive tool for exam managers. Supervise exams through AI based proctoring. Available for Android and Web.

Online Testing System User Accounts

Define the roles of the people with you

Assign the access rights to the instructors, such as exam managers, assessors, data entry operators or content providers.

Print reports for Online Tesing

Fine print your reports

Print, download or email certificates, score cards, reports, lists and exams. An online testing with beautifully simple and printer friendly design.

Send emails from Online Examination System

Stay in touch and interact effectively

Build a self explanatory online examination system and send detailed email and SMS intimating the upcoming exams and changes in schedules.

Provide Certificates from Online Testing System

Award certificates to the toppers

Craft your certificates and customize with the best certificate maker by adding logo, text, background, signature and score. Send different certificates according to the score to the candidates at a pre-defined criteria.

Create Online Testing Registration Forms

Welcome candidates with Self-Registration

The candidates can join the online examination scheduled by self registration utility or simple API. Easy integration with your existing LMS. Custom fields can be added as per the requirement.

Sell Online Examination Packages

Encash your exams

Sell exams online and get payments directly in your PayPal account. Design the best online examination packages and deliver the prime online test series which candidates can take immediately upon payment.

Online Testing in Spanish, German, Russian, French, Arabic and other Languages

Conduct Tests in Multiple Languages

SecureExam provides candidate user interface in world's top languages. Offer best online testing platform in the language chosen. Reach out to more candidates with different languages.

Test Maker Software for Online Testing

Facilitate self-study with best assessment tool

Test Maker software enables the candidates to create online tests and challenge for themselves. It is a add-on facility for the exam manager. The candidates who believe in competing themselves would win here.

Online Examination Data Safety Tools

Data safety is our top priority

Ensure the complete security of data with the prescribed GDPR norms and best possible methods to avoid and identify any cheating or unlawful activities. Get email alerts on any violation of rules prescribed. Prevent Copy paste, Print Screen and Multiple sign-in.

Online Examination Data Export Tools

Create, secure and re-use backups

Export data such as Groups, Candidates, Sections, Questions in popular format like Excel and CSV. Online examination conducted and saved would be available for future references.

Most Used Online Testing Platform in the World

Trusted by the world

SecureExam is the most trusted and dependable solution for world’s leading organizations for their online testing needs like recruitment, selections, performance, appraisals, campus drives, regular examinations and aptitude tests.

Choose The Best Online Exam Software For Tests & Assessments